

Disco's Music Videos...

You ever noticed how a particular odor will transport you back into time? It takes you back to what you were doing, who were with, and along with the emotions associated wtih the experience. Well, music has a big impact on us. I listen to all types of music with the exception of blue grass, opera, and most rap (sorry). Generally speaking, in one way or another, the song relates to me. Either it is what I am currently going through or it reminds me of a special person or activity. Sometimes, it just "feels" good. Isn't that really what it is all about? Guess i am somewhat of a romantic --don't ask me why. LOL


Whitney Young High School in Chicago.

What started out as a senior prank with foot dance turned when Mr. "Thirst Gawd" decided to strike back.

Watch the news footage and wait for her interview to be turned into a music video.


About 50 minutes of the MDNA Tour '12. The MDNA Tour was the highest grossing tour of 2012. Ticket sales were $296.1 million.






I attended the Blonde Ambition Tour at the Rosemont Stadium in Rosemont just outside Chicago. We had upper tickets off the corner of the stage.



In the club scene, "Closer" was a big hit. And, yeah, I danced to it.







We saw Elvis in concert at the Mid South Coliseum in Memphis. Great show!

I was pulling into the high school parking lot, going to band camp, when the announcement was made of Elvis' passing.

The local networks boradcast his funeral live on TV.





C 2009-12 DiscoDon.net